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Why feeding the fat is a misconception?

After getting a bbl, people have the common misconception that you have to eat a ton to have more fat to survive, or it would better their results, aka "feed the fat". Unfortunately, it’s not as easy as some would like to think and a result to that is weight gain in unwanted areas which can possibly distort your results. Just as losing weight can cause fat loss in areas you didn't want it to which can also hinder your results. There’s a reason why your surgeon wants you to be at a BMI that you’ll be able to maintain throughout your lifetime BEFORE you get your procedure. So being at your goal weight before you hop on that table will help you maintain your results in the long run.

After your proceduremake sure you are staying hydrated, eating the correct amount of calories with foods that have good fats and a sufficiently amount of lean protein.

These foods would be:

Skinless chicken



Fortified cereals


Soy milk

Omega 3 fatty acids like salmon.

You also want to avoid foods that increase inflammation which would include:

Refined grains

Processed meats

Sugary foods/cereals

Fast food

Absolutely no fried food or alcohol.

Then when your surgeon clears you for physical activity, make sure to incorporate a fitness routine that will help you maximize your results!

About the author

Dolly Fit By Dom

If you need any help along the way as your Tributo Fitness brand ambassador I am here to help! Please contact me on instagram @dollyfitbydom so we can ensure you stay snatched by maintaining your results with your Tributo along with diet and exercise!